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Last updated:
August 23, 2024


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What is a Carbon Credit Registry?

In the voluntary carbon market, a registry acts as a database that is designed to ensure the integrity of carbon credits by meticulously documenting their issuance, sale, transaction history, and retirement. This system is vital for maintaining transparency and trust in the carbon market.

The Role of Registries

Registries serve as the backbone of the carbon market, offering a transparent and auditable trail for each credit to prevent issues such as double counting and greenwashing. They facilitate the trading of carbon credits by providing a reliable and accessible database of all transactions. In addition to record-keeping, many registries also develop their own methodologies that are used to certify projects.

Navigating Challenges and Ensuring Quality

Not all projects in a registry are inherently good. Despite their reputation, registries and the methodologies they endorse face scrutiny over the actual effectiveness of certain projects such as Verra’s REDD+ projects. There are many low quality carbon credit projects in the market, but there are also a lot of impactful, high quality projects. In order to navigate this and promote the highest quality projects, Senken has implemented an in-depth due diligence process that allows less than 3% of projects pass.

Senken's due diligence process

Examples of Different Registries

  • Verra: Known for its Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), it is the largest and most recognised registry in the world.
  • Gold Standard: Established by WWF and other NGOs, it focuses on projects that deliver both emission reductions and sustainable development benefits.
  • Specialises in certifying carbon removal credits, particularly through biochar, wooden building materials, and soil carbon sequestration.
  • Ecoregistry: Offers a broad platform for various environmental credits certified using the Cercarbono standard.
  • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): Established under the Kyoto Protocol, it facilitates emission reduction projects in developing countries, allowing developed countries to earn emission reduction credits.
  • Climate Action Reserve (CAR): Focuses on high-quality projects in North America, establishing standardised protocols for project development.
  • American Carbon Registry (ACR): A leading registry for carbon credit projects in the U.S, providing rigorous methodologies for GHG emission reduction projects.
  • Private Registries: Some organisations and project developers choose to run their own private registry instead of working with one of the established bodies.

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