Last updated:
July 26, 2024

Peatland Restoration

What is Peatland Restoration?

Peatland restoration involves the process of returning degraded peatlands to their natural, undisturbed state. Peatlands are wetland ecosystems with a thick organic soil layer made up of dead and decaying plant material. They are important carbon stores, as they absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere over thousands of years and store it in peat soil. However, when peatlands are drained, degraded, or disturbed, they release stored carbon back into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Restoration efforts aim to stop these emissions and restore the peatlands' natural role as carbon sinks.

The Importance of Peatlands in Carbon Sequestration

Peatlands cover only a small fraction of the global land surface but store a disproportionate amount of the Earth's soil carbon (twice as much as all the world's forests combined). This makes them critically important in global efforts to combat climate change. Restoration activities, such as re-wetting drained peatlands and reintroducing native vegetation, play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by re-establishing their natural waterlogged condition, slowing down the decomposition of organic material and the release of CO2.

Common Approaches to Peatland Restoration:

  • Blocking drainage channels to raise water levels and re-wet the peatland, preventing further oxidation of peat.
  • Revegetation with native plants to stabilise the peat surface, reduce erosion, and kick-start the process of natural peat accumulation.
  • Fire prevention measures to protect restored and intact peatlands from wildfires, which can release massive amounts of carbon.
  • Sustainable management practices in peatlands that are used for agriculture or forestry, ensuring that these activities do not lead to further degradation.

Benefits Beyond Carbon Sequestration

The restoration of peatlands offers multiple environmental and socio-economic benefits beyond carbon sequestration. Healthy peatlands support unique biodiversity, providing habitat for a wide range of plant and animal species. They also play a crucial role in water regulation, reducing the risk of flooding and drought, and improving water quality by filtering pollutants. For local communities, peatlands can offer sustainable livelihood opportunities, such as responsible peat extraction, eco-tourism, and traditional agriculture that respects the peatland's ecological balance.

The Role of Peatland Restoration in Achieving Net Zero Emissions

Incorporating peatland restoration into climate strategies offers a cost-effective and efficient way to mitigate climate change while achieving broader environmental goals. By valuing the carbon sequestration and storage services provided by peatlands, businesses can support restoration projects through financial investments and policy measures. This not only contributes to the global fight against climate change but also aligns with commitments to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

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