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Carbon Footprint Calculator for Business
Used to estimate the carbon footprint of 200+ companies

Calculate your business carbon footprint and costs to remove carbon with AI

Business Carbon Footprint example

Enter your business email

Simply enter your business email address and we will do the rest.

We’ll estimate your business carbon footprint with AI

Using public data and industry benchmarks for accuracy, we’ll calculate how many tonnes of CO2 your company emits on average per year.

We’ll provide costs to remove carbon

We’ll create a year-by-year removal strategy for your business to achieve net zero in line with the 1.5° Pathway.


Start removing your carbon footprint with high-quality and risk-free carbon credits by Senken


What is carbon footprint of a business?

A business carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) produced directly or indirectly by a company’s operations, measured in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). This includes emissions from energy use, transportation, waste, and the supply chain. Understanding your carbon footprint is crucial for identifying key areas to reduce environmental impact.

How to calculate carbon footprint for a business?

Calculating a carbon footprint involves collecting data on energy consumption, transportation, waste, and other operational activities. The data is then converted into CO2e using emission factors — values that estimate how much CO2e is produced per unit of activity (e.g., per kilowatt-hour of electricity). Accurate calculation requires understanding your business activities and using reliable emission factors. With Senken's carbon footprint calculator, you can get an instant estimate of your business carbon footprint powered by AI.

How to reduce business carbon footprint?

Reduction strategies typically start with energy efficiency — upgrading to energy-efficient systems and processes, switching to renewable energy sources, and minimising waste. Other strategies include optimising supply chains, reducing business travel, and encouraging remote work. Companies can also invest in carbon capture technologies or reforestation projects to balance out their emissions.

How can I offset business carbon footprint?

Carbon offsetting involves compensating for your emissions by funding projects that reduce or remove an equivalent amount of CO2e from the atmosphere. These projects can include renewable energy installations, forest conservation, or methane capture from landfills. It’s important to choose certified offsets to ensure they provide real and measurable environmental benefits. Learn more about choosing hiqh-quality carbon credits in the Academy.

What are the next steps after calculating my carbon footprint?

After calculating your footprint, prioritise reduction actions based on the highest emission sources. Develop a reduction plan with clear goals and timelines, and consider setting science-based targets aligned with global climate goals. Regular monitoring and reporting will help track progress, and engaging stakeholders will ensure long-term success in your sustainability efforts.